From 1/7 to 20/8 it is possible to spend the night for a maximum of 8 people/night in wind protection on Blå Jungfrun and book transport on regular day trips from Oskarshamn or Byxelkrok. There is no cost for the wind protection, but if you want transport, you pay for both there and home, i.e. 400+400=800 per adult (half price youth 7-15 and free under 7). If you use your own transport, it is therefore free, but you still have to book a place in the wind shelter with Solkustturer.
Link to Blue Virgin Regulations especially NFS 2014:8 § 3 and 4.

A maximum of 8 people may stay overnight per night.
The windbreaks are open during the time that Blue Maiden is staffed with guides.
For safety reasons, food for an extra 24 hours should always be brought, as there is a risk that the return trip the following day may be canceled if the weather is unsuitable. Outdoor kitchens are permitted (no grilling or open fires), a special place for cooking is available next to the wind shelters.
Booking a shelter (overnight stay) is mandatory even if you don't go there with Solkust Tours, and can only be done via "Reservation" on the website. If you intend to get to Blå Jungfrun on your own, you must notify Solkustturer on 0736839779.
Since there is no advance payment when booking, we ask for your respect not to book more than 2 nights in a season and to book the one you do not use. We understand that you want to book many opportunities to be sure that your tour is not canceled because of the weather, but that is not allowed.
Ordinary day trips are used for transport also for overnight guests. Tours depart from Oskarshamn and Byxelkrok. It is important to book a seat both on the way there and back from the desired location and you pay the regular price for both the way there and the return journey. There is therefore no charge for the wind protection. When transporting yourself, the wind protection is therefore free of charge.
Solkust cannot guarantee return times, as weather and wind can create new conditions. Skippers at Solkustturer will inform you about the current conditions at the time of departure, which may mean that we cancel the overnight stay at a late stage. In other words, it makes it easier if you have a flexible approach to the Blue Maiden adventure.
Prices for transport there and home: SEK 800/adult, SEK 400/youth, Children under 7 free. Family price for 2 adults + 2 youth SEK 2,000
You book a place on regular day trips, so the time for the return journey is as below, which is not shown in the booking system
Tour list from Byxelkrok (not Monday), for residents in wind protection:
Departs at 09.30 Return from Blå Jungfrun at about 2pm
Tour list from Oskarshamn, for accommodation in wind shelter:
Departs at 09.30 Return from Blå Jungfrun at approx. 14.30
Booking is mandatory even with own transport, but the wind protection is free, see booking above. You cannot book via the guides.